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Inspection of Municipal Documents:

Section (117) of The Municipalities Act states that

    "Any person is entitled at any time during regular business hours to inspection

and obtain copies of:

(a) any contract approved by the council, any bylaw or resolution and any

account paid by the council relating to the municipality;

(b) the statements maintained by the administrator in accordance with

section 142 and the debentures register;

(b.1) the municipality’s financial statements prepared in accordance with

section 185 and auditor’s report prepared in accordance with subsection 189(1);

(c) any report of any consultant engaged by or of any employee of the

municipality, or of any committee or other body established by a council

pursuant to clause 81(a), after the report has been submitted to the council,

except any opinion or report of a lawyer; and

(d) the minutes of the council after they have been approved by the council.

(2) Within a reasonable time after receiving a request, the administrator shall

furnish the copies requested on payment of any fee that the council may fix.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the fee set by council must not exceed the

reasonable costs incurred by the municipality in furnishing the copies"

The RM of Moose Creek #33 Council encourages all rate payers to contact the office if they would like to obtain copies of any information listed in Section 117 of The Municipalities Act.

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